Sunday, April 27, 2014

Rock Day With Bill Witherspoon 4/24/14

During class we had several exciting specimens brought in on top of Bill Witherspoon coming in and talking all about rocks!
Barbra brought in a leech that we suspect got into her pond via bird legs, perhaps a great blue heron that is a common visitor to her house, or via turtles. She also brought in quite a sizeable crawfish. Jesse brought in what Mr. Al thought was a banded water snake. Ian brought in a house centipede.

Bill had a really fun activity that taught us about the most common rocks you might find around out region. He also took us on a rock walk outside to show us the different exhibits that we often walk past on the way into ENWYC. Check out the pictures!!
Looking at the leech and crawfish. 
More examination.
Talking about how to crawfish propel themselves through the water.  
Looking at the house centipede. 
Jesse and his water snake.
An up close look. 
From left to right, top then bottom row: granite, gneiss, quartz, amphibolite, and schist.
Bill talking about his book, "Roadside Ecology of Georgia."
Taking a rock tour outside!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April and May ENWYC dates

The next class is Thursday, April 3, 2014.  There will be no class on Thursday, April 10 as the center will be closed for spring break. 

Future dates for ENWYC include April 17 and 24 and May 1, 8, 15, and 22.

Al is working with Dr. Bill Witherspoon to arrange a special night of fun.  Dr. Witherspoon is an instructor at Fernbank Science Center.  He specializes in geology.  This will be the night to bring in your rocks and minerals for identification.  As soon as the date is finalized, we will let you know.


Recap of March 27 - "Science at the Center"

On March 27, ENWYC attended the "Science at the Center".  Some of the highlights of the night included identifying rocks in the treasure chest, checking out plankton fossils, creating the life cycle of a monarch butterfly, learning about levitation, creating Bradford Pear snow, and trying our hand at flight simulation.  It was great fun.

Recap of March 20, 2014

We took a nature walk looking for signs of spring.


Dogwood leaves emerging


The bedstraw was great fun.  We had the opportunity to throw it at each other and watch it stick to our clothing.  Bedstraw can be used to help hold the bed material in place.  It is too limp to make a whole bed.

Polypore mushroom
Turkey tail mushroom

Beech tree leaves



Shepherd's purse
(in the mustard family)
For show and tell, we had a treasure chest full of rocks and minerals...

Malachite with garnet
Flashlight rock
...and an albino checkered garden snake